Natural language processing (discourse analysis) - RedEMC
Natural language processing (discourse analysis)

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Natural language processing (discourse analysis)

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As described at the paper Social learning in large online audiences of health professionals: Improving dialogue with automated tools

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It was introduced to classify posts in online discussions. A commercial platform was used for this purpose, called MonkeyLearn. A new classifier system using this platform was trained to detect support requests in the clinical forums, and automatically derive them to support rather than post them in the clinical discussion. The participant was prompted of this possibility (to send a request to support or to otherwise post), and asked to confirm or not. Depending on the answer, the post was sent to the support system or published in the clinical forum. A similar classification was introduced in automated language detection (Spanish or Portuguese), by the use of a classifier system already trained by MonkeyLearn.

You can test (copy/paste into the text area below) some of the following sentences:

  • La simulación clínica no funciona, la pantalla queda en blanco
  • El curso estuvo excelente; felicitaciones al equipo docente !!!
  • Estimados: Uno de los problemas màs frecuentes a nivel de la s infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud son las bacteriemias relacionadas a catéteres (principalmente CVC). Para el diagnòstico microbioloògico primero hay que recordar que pueden infectarse a través de la interfase piel-catéter (importante en los de corta permanencia), por via endoluminal como consecuencia de la manipulación de la conexión (CVC luego de 10 días de colocados, catetees tunelizados, con manguito de dacron, de larga permanencia en general) y mucho menos frecuentemente como consecuencia de la infusiòn contaminada o por diseminación hematógena a partir de un foco a distancia. Dicho esto el diagnostico microbiológico dependerá de si fue removido o no.

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Text to analyze:

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